Physics, asked by yahyachoudhury8, 1 year ago

Calculate the running costs of a filament lamp with a 60 W bulb and a CFL lamp with a 15 W bulb for 15 hours.
1kWh costs 10p.
cost = power (kW) x time (hours) x price (per kWh)

It would really be appreciated.


Answered by nitinyadav15may2005

energy consumed by filament lamp in one hour is equal to 60 watt

energy consumed by CFL lamp in one hour is equal to 15 watt

energy consumed by filament lamp in 15 hour is equal to 15 into 60 watt


energy consumed by CFL lamp in15 he


total energy consumed by both the bulb is225w+900w=1125w

in kilowatt is equal to 1125/1000kw


cost of 1 kilowatt is equal to 10 paise

therefore cost of 1.125 kilowatt is equal to 1.125*10


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