English, asked by parveshnaidu, 9 months ago

Calculate velocity of light in glass.

( Given: Velocity of light in air is 3 X 10^8 m/s and n = 1.5

4) Velocities of light in 2 different media A, B are 1.7 x 10^8 m/s and

1.8 x 10^8 m/s. Which is denser medium? Justify your answer.​


Answered by jainhema917


The speed of light in a material is slower than it is in vacuum. It is calculated using the index of refraction of the material. Typical window glass has an index of refraction n=1.5. The speed of light is given by v = c/n = 300000km/s / 1.5 = 200000 km/s.

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