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its causes are Sewage And Waste Water: Sewage, garbage and liquid waste of households, agricultural lands and factories are discharged into lakes and rivers. These wastes contain harmful chemicals and toxins which make the water poisonous for aquatic animals and plants.
Dumping: Dumping of solid wastes and litters in water bodies causes huge problems. Litters include glass, plastic, aluminum, styrofoam etc. Different things take different amount of time to degrade in water. They affect aquatic plants and animals.
Industrial Waste: Industrial waste contains pollutants like asbestos, lead, mercury and petrochemicals which are extremely harmful to both people and environment. Industrial waste is discharged into lakes and rivers by using fresh water making the water contaminated.
Oil Pollution: Sea water gets polluted due to oil spilled from ships and tankers while traveling. The spilled oil does not dissolve in water and forms a thick sludge polluting the water.
Acid Rain: Acid rain is pollution of water caused by air pollution. When the acidic particles caused by air pollution in the atmosphere mix with water vapor, it results in acid rain.
Global Warming: Due to global warming, there is an increase in water temperature. This increase in temperature results in death of aquatic plants and animals. This also results in bleaching of coral reefs in water.
Eutrophication: Eutrophication is an increased level of nutrients in water bodies. This results in bloom of algae in water. It also depletes the oxygen in water, which negatively affects fish and other aquatic animal population.
and its effects are
Effects of water pollution.
You will notice in the previous pages that water pollution is very harmful to humans, animals and water life. The effects can be catastrophic, depending on the kind of chemicals, concentrations of the pollutants and where there are polluted. Below, we shall see a summary of the effects of water pollution. (Make sure you see the factsheet page for some very unfortunate incidents of water pollution in recent time)The effects of water pollution are varied and depend on what chemicals are dumped and in which locations.
Many water bodies near urban areas (cities and towns) are highly polluted. This is the result of both garbage dumped by individuals and dangerous chemicals legally or illegally dumped by manufacturing industries, health centers, schools and market places.Death of aquatic (water) animals
The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills organisms that depend on these water bodies. Dead fish, crabs, birds and sea gulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living environment).Disruption of food-chains
Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Pollutants such as lead and cadmium are eaten by tiny animals. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels.
Eventually, humans are affected by this process as well. People can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. In many poor nations, there is always outbreak of cholera and diseases as a result of poor drinking water treatment from contaminated waters.
Did you read about the Water contamination in Flint, Michigan, USA? Read here.
Destruction of ecosystems
Ecosystems (the interaction of living things in a place, depending on each other for life) can be severely changed or destroyed by water pollution. Many areas are now being affected by careless human pollution, and this pollution is coming back to hurt humans in many ways.
It is the water pollution in this Pictures.The water pollution is mainly caused by various human activities that are listed below....
Deforestation is a big word that basically means cutting down trees. However, there is a lot more to it than just that. Deforestation often takes place in order to clear land for more urban growth. This means that an ecosystem which was once firmly established is suddenly destroyed, and the remaining nature that stays in place has to compensate for this damage in some way.When water is damaged through deforestation, remaining fish in the area become sick and die off as they try to breathe in water that is now filled with soil. Plants that live in the water are unable to continue growing as the water grows dirtier over time, and bacteria thrive in this soil-filled water source. The best way to cut back on deforestation pollution is to reduce urban expansion or to take it very slowly so that soil doesn’t erode into the water so easily.
Construction Sites
Construction sites remain one of the most notable causes of indirect water pollution. Although they rarely dump directly into water supplies, they have a lot of issues that combine to make them a very real threat to any water supply. Any surface water runoff that comes from a construction site becomes polluted with chemicals used in and around that site for a variety of different reasons. Something as simple as paint, cement, or oil that might seem like a harmless addition to a construction site can cause a lot of problems if it enters into a water supply.
Factories remain the leading causes of industrial water pollution around the world. Where factories are present, runoff from those factories can easily enter water supplies either through surface water or through groundwater, depending on the location. This can severely impact the quality of the water in the area.
Illegal Dumping
In years gone by, it was much more common for individuals as well as companies to dump waste illegally into water supplies or near areas that could cause contamination of those water sources. Many chemicals that cause water pollution are present in the garbage and other types of waste, and dumping in or near water supplies can very quickly lead to a buildup of pollution that can’t be reversed.
Animal Waste
Last but not least, animal waste is always a potential problem of direct water pollution. This, however, is a very natural type of pollution that doesn’t have anything to do with human interaction with nature.
Effects of Water Pollution
Groundwater contamination from pesticides causes reproductive damage within wildlife in ecosystems.Sewage, fertilizer, and agricultural run-off contain organic materials that when discharged into waters, increase the growth of algae, which causes the depletion of oxygen. The low oxygen levels are not able to support most indigenous organisms in the area and therefore upset the natural ecological balance in rivers and lakes.Swimming in and drinking contaminated water causes skin rashes and health problems like cancer, reproductive problems, typhoid fever and stomach sickness in humans. Which is why it’s very important to make sure that your water is clean and safe to drink.Industrial chemicals and agricultural pesticides that end up in aquatic environments can accumulate in fish that are later eaten by humans. Fish are easily poisoned with metals that are also later consumed by humans. Mercury is particularly poisonous to small children and women. Mercury has been found to interfere with the development of the nervous system in fetuses and young children.Ecosystems are destroyed by the rising temperature in the water, as coral reefs are affected by the bleaching effect due to warmer temperatures. Additionally, the warm water forces indigenous water species to seek cooler water in other areas, causing an ecological damaging shift of the affected area.Human-produced litter of items such as plastic bags and 6-pack rings can get aquatic animals caught and killed from suffocation.Water pollution causes flooding due to the accumulation of solid waste and soil erosion in streams and rivers.Oil spills in the water causes animal to die when they ingest it or encounter it. Oil does not dissolve in water so it causes suffocation in fish and birds.