can anybody tell me diffrence between poetic devices and figure of speach
There are many more poetic devices than there are figures of speech because figures of speech are actually poetic devices (which is a much broader category). A poetic device could be something as simple as repetition or rhyme. A figure of speech is a particular kind of device that extends beyond the literal meaning of the words used, creating some figurative meaning. This might be a metaphor, a figure of speech which says that one thing is something else, or a simile, a figure of speech which says that one thing is like or as another. One example of a metaphor would be, "Cambridge ladies live in furnished souls." Souls cannot literally be furnished, and so we are given to understand that Cambridge ladies try to furnish, or artfully arrange, their souls the way they might furnish their homes. Their souls are compared to homes which have been arranged to impress. One example of a simile would be, "Cambridge ladies have souls like furnished homes." Here, the meaning is the same, but the word likereduces the intensity of the comparison. Alliteration is a poetic device but not a figure of speech because it does not create any figurative meaning like a simile or metaphor.
I hope it is helpful