Can anyone explain how to calculate capital reserve amount when all forfeited shares are not reissued?
Total forfeited amount x Number of shares reissued
Total number of shares forfeited
Lets discuss this with the help of an example :
Company “A” forfeited 100 shares on non payment of final call of Rs. 2/-; likewise :
a) Face value of Rs. 10 each
b) Out of total forfeited shares 60 were re-issued for Rs. 7 each as fully paid up.
Solution :
Journal entry for forfeiture :
Share Capital a/c Dr. Rs.1000 (100*10)
To Forfieture Rs. 800 (100*8)
To Share final call Rs. 200 (100*2)
In the above entry amount received till now from the shares are booked under forfeiture a/c (as this amount has now become the income of the company)
Journal entry for re-issue :
Bank a/c Dr. Rs.420 (60*7)
Forfeiture a/c Dr. Rs.180
To Share Capital Rs.600 (60*10)
In the above entry we have incurred loss, because a share of Rs.10 has to be re-issued at Rs.7 (fully paid-up), therefore a loss of Rs. 3/- per share. Hence total loss on 60 re-issued shares would sum up to Rs. 180 (3*60).
As earlier, on forfeiture we have booked income over these shares and credited forfeiture share a/c, now on incurring loss on same shares during re-issue would be charged from forfeiture a/c only, hence in the above entry forfeiture a/c has been debited.
Amount to be transferred to capital reserve a/c
This is the most confusing part in company a/c for students. But this is the easiest. I will discuss this part in Q&A form.
Q1: How many shares have been forfeited ?
Ans : 100 shares
Q2: Forfeiture income of these 100 shares ?
Ans : Rs. 8/- per share hence Rs. 800
Q3: How many shares are being re-issued out of total forfeited shares ?
Ans : 60 shares are being re-issued.
Q4: Does total forfeiture income belongs to these 60 shares ?
Ans : No forfeiture income is of all 100 forfeited shares, we are re-issuing 60 out of total 100 forfeited shares. Therefore, forfeiture income of 60 shares would be proportionate i.e Rs. 480 (800/10*60)
Q5: How much amount have been used out of forfeiture ?
Ans : As per Journal entry three above Rs.180 have been debited from forfeiture account.
Q6 : What will be transferred to CR ?
Ans : Rs. 300 (480–180) will be transferred only. As we know, only 60 shares are re-issued, therefore we will not transfer the income of 40 (shares which are not re-issued) to CR account.
I hope it helps.