Can anyone explain this to me?Please

Yes !
It's about how immune system is activated to fight any infectious disease .
As you know, when our body is attacked by any disease causing pathogen, our immune system works as a shield and releases antibodies to fight with the pathogens and kill or deactivate them.
Now, the human body has two types of immunity.
1) Disease Specific &
2) Non Specific
And as the name suggests DISEASE SPECIFIC IMMUNITY acts upon a specific pathogen. Plus it leaves a memory of the encounter so that further if same type pathogen enters the body, immune system can attack it.
So in case of infectious diseases, to immunize the body, artificially, same type of substance (which is not harmful like the pathogens) or even inactive pathogens are injected in the body. To fight with them when immune response is created, it also leaves a memory of that encounter. So further if the original pathogen will enter the body it'll get killed.
This use of 'similar substance' rather than the 'original pathogen' not only saves the person from future encounters but also prevents them from catching the disease as they aren't the 'original pathogens'.
Many such vaccines are accessible for VARIOUS INFECTIOUS DISEASES as well as for ONE SPECIFIC DISEASE.
that's it