India Languages, asked by kuranyuki41, 9 months ago

Can anyone give me a brief description about the Bodo tribe or its people.
Please write your opinion about this tribe your likes and dislikes​
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Answered by Anonymous


The Boro is the largest ethnolinguistic group in the Assam state of India. They are a part of the greater Bodo-Kachari family of ethnolinguistic groups and are spread across northeastern India. They are concentrated mainly in the Bodoland autonomous region of Assam, though Boros inhabit all other districts of Assam.


It is a good tribe

Hope you like answer

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Answered by Unni007

Bodo Tribes

  • The Bodo people generally known to us as “Kacharis” constitute a large group among  all other tribes of the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam state of India.
  • The Bodo tribe is most influential tribal group in compared to other tribes of Assam.
  • They are certainly  not a tall or handsome race and in general appearance shorter and stouter than the  people of North West India, though well fitted to bear up against physical fatigue and hardship.
  • In face and figure they show a distinct approximation to what is known as the  Mongolian type, they have square set faces, projecting cheek bones, with almond  shaped eyes and scanty beard and moustache.
  • In this way they are well fitted for all  forms of outdoor (field and factory) labour that require strength rather than skill and  may very reasonably be regarded as the “navvies” of Assam.  
  • In mental and intellectual power they are undoubtedly far below their Hindu  neighbours; for they possess neither the quickness of apprehension nor the astonishing  power of memory and characteristics of the higher castes among the Hindus.
  • On the  other hand what they do succeed in mastering often with much toil and painful effort,  they digest and retain with much tenacity.
  • Most of the British officials and missionaries called the Bodos ‘animist’.
  • The natives of  Himalayan region including Bodos and other tribes belonging to pagan faith and their religious belief consist in the worship of two divine beings: one is the author of good  and the other the author of evil.
  • As usual among nearly all hill tribes, their religious rites  consist chiefly of the propitiation of evil spirit by means of sacrifice of fowls.
  • The  Kocharis have not scruple on the matter of diet, they eat any animal food and are  particularly partial to fork.  
  • Originally the propitiation and worship of Bathou is made by sacrifices of food, pigs,  gods and offering ‘Jou” or rice beer.
  • Although now a day practice of propitiation has  been discarded by some of them replacing these by flowers fruits etc.
  • Still most of them  follow the primitive system of worship.
  • Naturalism and animism are part of cultural life,  belief and practice of the tribes in India.
  • Every object of the nature, plants, animals,  trees, rivers, ponds, lakes, stones and mountains are considered all sacred by them.
  • Tribal society has its own body of norms, customs, taboos, tradition, values and moral  standards which regulate relationship among the individuals and society.

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