English, asked by nishitakumar29, 8 months ago

Can anyone please tell me the summary of 'My Failed Omelets and Other Disasters' story by Ruskin Bond?


Answered by StrangeStark




Answered by AneesKakar


The author, Ruskin bond begins by telling us that he has realised the reason behind him not writing a single bestseller. The reason is that he can't cook and write cookery books with vibrant covers. If he could, those books would've been selected by other people who can't cook.

Next, the author describes the weather in the Himalayan foothills and tells us that it seems like an achievement to boil the eggs at such a cold temperature because the water wouldn't boil. So, rather than admitting to his inability to cook, he just tells everyone that undercooked eggs are more nutritious. The author has a grandson who is five. His name is Gautam and he questions the author's decision to half boil them and says that raw eggs would be healthier.

The author then tells his grandson that he would cook an unforgettable omelette for him. And he does. He overfloods the omelette with tomatoes and his grandson pushes the plate away telling him that he had forgotten to put in the eggs. Ruskin bond concludes by saying that 101 Failed Omelette would be the title of his bestseller.


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