Can anyone solve this please?

1. End of Autocracy
2. Increased taxes on lower class
3. King Louis XVI
4. To fulfil the requirements of king
6. Third Estate
7. Clergy(2nd Estate)
8. Have to pay no tax, have birth privileges.
9. Montesquieu
10. First Estate. Feudal privileges are the privileges offered from the birth i.e. Privilege of worship.
11. One tenth part of something is called tithe. It is the old currency of France.
12. Taxes on food, taxes on tobacco, taxes on land.
14. Middle Class i.e. working class.
15. a. Voltaire
b. Rousseau
c. Karl Marx
d. Montesquieu
e. John Locke
16. He write about the misrule done by the Bourbon king. How the government functions. And about the load of taxes on the shoulders of third estate.
17. Bastille was the fortress situated in Paris. It was hated by all because it is the prison for the people who raise their voice against the Bourbon king
18. Because it is the main prison of that city, and to continue the revolt they need weapons which they had acquired by looting that fortress.
19. First estate, Second estate and Third estate