English, asked by shreya1231, 1 year ago

can anyone write a story on the topic humanity .(with suitable proverbs in it)


Answered by TheRuhanikaDhawan
Humanity isn't just a word, its just cannot be defined
humanity is the thing which most of the humans lack in this generation most f us lack humanity and in this type of era this something what happened

one day as usual smriti was going to her school in morning, and she was studying in class 10 and that day she was very unlucky as she missed her school bus so she had to go to school by auto or by walking as the school was near her home and she decided to go walking after travelling a few distance she could hear a child crying but she could not understand where the cry was coming from then suddenly she could see a car which passed by her and she could see the child being tied up by those insane people and smiriti tried to follow them but they were in high speed so she could not but she saw the way where they went.

Smiriti finished her classes and was still thinking about that little girl who was abducted by those people and smiriti had a suspect where would have they been abducted her, so she thought of bunking the next days class and go there to rescue her.

The next morning smriti bunked her classes without informing her parents and left her bag inside the compound where no one could find it ad she went to that place, that place was an haunted place very well known in that city rather  a whole state, smiriti stopped and thought for a while but she remembered a proverb which was told by her grandmother ''We should be proud if we die for humanity and life s of waste if we dont help other and if we live for our won greed'' them wasting no more time she entered the haunted house.

Now as she has entered the suspected house she had to find that kid so she  was searching everywhere in the house and the house was huge therefore they would have kept the child anywhere then finally she could see a big door and ghosts have been suspected to have lived there and smriti does not believe in ghosts so she bravely entered into it , for her surprise she could see bloodshed everywhere and many innocent kids were being brutally killed by those insane humans who did not have any value for humanity they did not know that ''if we have humanity withing us nothing is impossible'' then smriti could see a small child crying she went there and asked about her details the child replied that her name was akanksha and she was just 6 yr old and she and lost her parents because of these people and the child was crying a lot.

Smriti tried to escape from the house as soon as possible with the child but those people caught them and they were unaware of the cleverness of smriti as she was fully armed when she came there, not wasting much more time she threw chilly powder on their face and ran out of the house and started crying for help and it was late night and everyone was sleeping then an houseless man came to rescue them and smriti called the police immediately  but he was being hit by those people severely and other people were just watching and they did not have any sense of humanity to that person then by that time police came and caught those thieves an the entire mystery of the haunted house was revealed.

Then smriti told to the little child that ''its our humanity which makes us spiritual and our spirit makes us human'' and there is nothing like the spirit of ghosts in this world its just the other face of humanity which harms people and the parents of smriti were proud because she has saved the lives of many such people and depicted humanity which many of the people fail to do.

Smiriti was awarded national bravery award along with akanksha for their bravery during the republic day celebration and the parents of smiriti took up the responsibility of looking after the kid and hence became an good example for entire humanity.
''Humans are created for caring each other, do not be cruel or inhumane to anyone and everyone should have a spirit of humanity in them only then such crimes can be stopped in this world''

Echo: So, you finally found a way mock me xD
Echo: Cool answer!
TheRuhanikaDhawan: thanks :P
Anonymous: gr8 ans bro !
TheRuhanikaDhawan: thanks
duragpalsingh: osm
TheRuhanikaDhawan: thank you :)
shreya1231: hey its amazing!!!! loved it sooo muchh!!!! <3 thanks a lot for helping me praj!! ^^"
TheRuhanikaDhawan: welcome :)
shreya1231: :) ^^"
Answered by Anonymous

Let's talk about what is humanity?

Umm... While thinking about the word is it to show false respect towards others?Or is it like saying some good quotes for the other human?Is it like behaving properly in front of people?Is it like raising hands in public to show a false concern for the victim?

My answer is a complete 'NO'!

Firstly You all are aware of Delhi rape case!:(
This is the most negative aspect of our society. Yes, I am talking about damini! She was raped badly,her clothes were all torn.She was bleeding badly.Crying for help.Her friend tried to stop some auto,car,etc. But none helped them initially.It was a biker who finally made a call @Hospital !!!

All those who who saw them lying and ignored them is not called humanity.

We all thinks that she died because of her multiple organs stop working simultaneously because of those stabs.

But the fact is she died because she got to know that humanity had died in real!! It's of no use to live in a world,in an era where people forgot what humanity is!!

Protests took place.There were slogans arising to save her and to show how much Delhi is unsafe for girls. Well just because of this case Delhi is on focus but it's everywhere.

But that lasts till the college's of those students have not started! Yes,it is true.

This shows how inhuman people can be!!This is just one example but there are many!

Let's start up with the story on HUMANITY!

One day around 10:00pm when Ritika was returning from the office she noticed that 2 men were staring her.They were commenting on her dressing style.She was wearing short dresses then.They were using vulgar words.She ignored their nonsense talks. She was waiting for the bus to arrive but she can see no sign of bus out there.

She noticed that her boss is passing from the same way.She thought to take a lift from her boss.When her boss saw her there he himself stopped the bus.And asked her to come inside.She sat on the first seat next to drivers seat.In that way she got saved from those humans!!

Well will you call it HUMANITY?

No, It's just starting,Let me tell you how much HUMANITY does her boss has!!

Don't think so much!! Let me complete! :P

He put on his music system in his car. The first song was romantic one.He changed the channel but again it was kinda romantic song with so much lusty thingy in the song!! That was really a bad song.So,he put off the music system of his car.

Soon after sometime his boss touched her hands but said sorry that it was by mistake as he has to change gears.Hence she did not mind.And put her hands aside.

When next time he increased the speed of his car and also touched her again on her lap.Now this time she got conscious and asked her boss politely to stop the car right now.

He didn't listen her she tried to open the door of the car but he has already locked all the way for her rescue.He started touching her evilly.She was scared.She was shouting for help but that evil lustful boss closed her mouth with a cloth or something.

And he finally stopped his car in an isolated place. Her boss moved her forcefully to that place.And to her more shock she saw those 2 men who were talking vulgar at the bus stop.And finally got to know that it was all planned.She was harassed.

As soon as she got a chance to make a call to her best friend Shelly.But sadly her best friend didn't received her call intentionally because her best friend was jealous of her and was involved in this planning. Ritika got to know about it when her friend finally received her call.She called police but they didn't picked up the call!

Do you know the reason behind it?
It's because they were corrupt and got money for not picking up the call.

She finally called Parth whom she considers as her biggest enemy.He received her call and as soon as he got to know about this condition he called all his friends and they tracked her location.They all were on bikes.He came for her rescue and was finally succeeded to rescue her. Parth make her reach her house safely and filed FIR against her boss,his men's.

They were caught and was represented in the court.
After so much investigations court got to know that there were some police men involved in all this!!

All the culprits were punished for their bad deeds.

So,can you judge people with just their outer appearance if they have humanity or not?

So,you can clearly see that neither her boss,nor the one whom she considers her best friend or those police officers know that how inhuman they are!!!

But the one whom she considered as her biggest enemy I mean Parth who actually knows what the word HUMANITY means!!

--Dont judge the people with their toxic behaviour as that of Parth or with their so-called-sweet behaviour as that of her best friend Shelly. You never know if theirs a wolf in the sheep's face--

Thank you
#Brainly benefactor


no2: Awesome answer dii really a great work!! <3
shreya1231: great!! ans dude!!! thanks for helping me !! <3
Anonymous: wlcm ^^"
Anonymous: Thanks durag n no2
prmkulk1978: Great answer
Anonymous: Thank you ma'am! :-)
XxMaverickxX: OMG such a big answer O_O !!! really u wrote that ???
XxMaverickxX: haha anyway mind blowing answer :D
Anonymous: yeah! :D
Anonymous: Thanks :D
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