Social Sciences, asked by dhruv120, 1 year ago

can global warming bring back jurassic era


Answered by binodlic928
 September 09th 2006, 8:00 AM 

Global warming over the coming century could mean a return of temperatures last seen in the age of the dinosaur and lead to the extinction of up to half of all species, a scientist said..



  • yes, it can brings back the jurassic era ,due to high amount of heat ( the reason why the dianosors died ) as human body infact every living organisms cannot survive in high amount of heat , gases etc........
  • therefore we can cuncude that if we do not control the amount of global warming each year the time to jurassic era is no more far away.........


  • A return to a Jurassic cycle is possible, but the dinosaurs were taken out of the equation a long time ago. Perhaps a humanoid presence will remain thru the eons. A smaller presence that were able to adapt with planetary changes, and eventually thrive again.

  • We have no right to this planet. And the only reason we are here now is the adaptability of our human type predecessors. If Yellowstone reaches its need to adjust, if a deadly virus adapts faster than our ability to stop it, if an asteroid event arrives….none would be a surprise. Global warming, global freezing, wars, pandemics, catastrophic planetary events…are all part of the reality of Mother Earth.

  • I’m glad I got to be here when I was …am. A kind of golden age of humans on earth.
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