can government shutdown happen in India like it happened in USA?
why or why not?
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Government shutdowns occur when no party can form a government but the nation does not return to the polls, or when the government refuses passage of key bills. It can, but does not always, result in the cessation of some or all operations by the government.
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Currently In United Sates there is a complete disagreement between the Legislature (Congress) and the U.S Government led by President Trump.
Basically Trump is proposing to the US congress to give money so that he can build a wall along the Mexican border to keep out illegal migrants. This demand for money is part of U.S government Budget proposal for the Financial Year 2019. . Congress is refusing to accept this demand hence no passage of the US government budget till date leading to US government department running out of Money. Now one by one Government department are running out of money creating a crisis in U.S Can This happen in India ? It is highly unlikely. There are many reason why Government Shutdown in India is highly unlikely.
Parliament in India and Congress in U.S controls the purse of the Government . Every Year the Government present a detailed proposal to the Parliament /Congress for spending money on Government activities like paying salaries, developmental projects, Defence etc and the Parliament/ Congress passes the Proposal authorising the government to withdraw the required amount. This is how how normally Government Budget is passed and the enable the government to meet its future expenditures.
India is a Parliamentary form of Democracy where the Executive(Government) and the legislature(Parliament) are fused . It means that Party which has majority in the Lok Sabha forms the Government . Currently NDA has majority in Lok Sabha and the Government of P.M Modi are invariably from NDA . It means that all the Budget proposal of the Modi Government will be passed in Lok Sabha . Rajya Sabha has no power on Budget Proposal. Of course as you are aware , Indian Parliament consist of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha .
The Party discipline in India is very strong. Ordinary member of BJP can hardly go against the BJP leadership of MODI. So what ever the top leadership of the party decides the party M.P in the Parliament will follow suit.
There is also a law called Anti- Defection act . 1985. Under this act a party member cannot go against the party whip in the Parliament / State Assembly(inthe case of States). What is Whip? . Before Voting takes place on any proposal in the Parliament ,Party issues certain direction to its member . Like to vote For or Against the proposal in the Parliament , as the case may be. If the party member votes against the direction of the party in the House then the member will lose his membership of the house under certain Provision of the Anti Defection act 1985..Now it is very difficult to win election in India and if there no compelling reason,no sane person wants to lose the privileges which comes with being a member of Parliament/Sate Assembly. So no Chance case of deadlock between Legislature and Executive in India especially on Budget proposals. .
Deadlock can occur only if the Government loses its majority in the Lower House(Lok Sabha ) Then here will be fresh election.
In U.S there is Presidential form of government . Here Legislature(Congress) and the Executive(President ) are separate. None of the Donald Trump minsters are member of the Congress.
In many times President could be of one party and the Congress is controlled by other party. Then there could be frequent disagreement on Policy issues leading to deadlock. Trump is from Republican Party while the House of Representative of US Congress is controlled by Democrats . They strongly oppose Trumps current plan to build wall along Mexico border to keep out illegal migrants .
Unlike India , party discipline in US is very loose . Individual party leaders openly defy their leaders and many times contrary to th wishes of the party boss.
There is no Anti Defection Act in US hence there is no fear of losing their seat even if Congressman Votes against the party line.
In U.S it depends on Presidents appeal, his ability to take along people with him matters most in governance. But the way U.S system works Deadlocks is not an exception. It will be extraordinary if it happens in Parliamentary Democracy like India. It will be an exceptional case .
Hope it helps u sir✌️✌️
Basically Trump is proposing to the US congress to give money so that he can build a wall along the Mexican border to keep out illegal migrants. This demand for money is part of U.S government Budget proposal for the Financial Year 2019. . Congress is refusing to accept this demand hence no passage of the US government budget till date leading to US government department running out of Money. Now one by one Government department are running out of money creating a crisis in U.S Can This happen in India ? It is highly unlikely. There are many reason why Government Shutdown in India is highly unlikely.
Parliament in India and Congress in U.S controls the purse of the Government . Every Year the Government present a detailed proposal to the Parliament /Congress for spending money on Government activities like paying salaries, developmental projects, Defence etc and the Parliament/ Congress passes the Proposal authorising the government to withdraw the required amount. This is how how normally Government Budget is passed and the enable the government to meet its future expenditures.
India is a Parliamentary form of Democracy where the Executive(Government) and the legislature(Parliament) are fused . It means that Party which has majority in the Lok Sabha forms the Government . Currently NDA has majority in Lok Sabha and the Government of P.M Modi are invariably from NDA . It means that all the Budget proposal of the Modi Government will be passed in Lok Sabha . Rajya Sabha has no power on Budget Proposal. Of course as you are aware , Indian Parliament consist of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha .
The Party discipline in India is very strong. Ordinary member of BJP can hardly go against the BJP leadership of MODI. So what ever the top leadership of the party decides the party M.P in the Parliament will follow suit.
There is also a law called Anti- Defection act . 1985. Under this act a party member cannot go against the party whip in the Parliament / State Assembly(inthe case of States). What is Whip? . Before Voting takes place on any proposal in the Parliament ,Party issues certain direction to its member . Like to vote For or Against the proposal in the Parliament , as the case may be. If the party member votes against the direction of the party in the House then the member will lose his membership of the house under certain Provision of the Anti Defection act 1985..Now it is very difficult to win election in India and if there no compelling reason,no sane person wants to lose the privileges which comes with being a member of Parliament/Sate Assembly. So no Chance case of deadlock between Legislature and Executive in India especially on Budget proposals. .
Deadlock can occur only if the Government loses its majority in the Lower House(Lok Sabha ) Then here will be fresh election.
In U.S there is Presidential form of government . Here Legislature(Congress) and the Executive(President ) are separate. None of the Donald Trump minsters are member of the Congress.
In many times President could be of one party and the Congress is controlled by other party. Then there could be frequent disagreement on Policy issues leading to deadlock. Trump is from Republican Party while the House of Representative of US Congress is controlled by Democrats . They strongly oppose Trumps current plan to build wall along Mexico border to keep out illegal migrants .
Unlike India , party discipline in US is very loose . Individual party leaders openly defy their leaders and many times contrary to th wishes of the party boss.
There is no Anti Defection Act in US hence there is no fear of losing their seat even if Congressman Votes against the party line.
In U.S it depends on Presidents appeal, his ability to take along people with him matters most in governance. But the way U.S system works Deadlocks is not an exception. It will be extraordinary if it happens in Parliamentary Democracy like India. It will be an exceptional case .
Hope it helps u sir✌️✌️
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