Can I please get solutions for this table please
Just multiply by 5/18 to convert km/h into m/s
- 88.8 m/s
- 31.1 m/s
- -1.6 m/s
- 15.5 m/s
- 5.2 m/s
- 3.05 m/s
- 11.1 m/s
- 1.3 m/s
- .013 m/s
Hope it helps you
mark as brainliest
Input : For bold text
[Tex]\bf {This is code for bold text}[/tex]
Output: \bf{This is the code for bold text}Thisisthecodeforboldtext
Input : For ita
Output :
$$\italic{This is the code for italic text}$$
Input: For coloured text
Output :
Input : for boxed text
Input: For Moving text
[Tex]<marquee>This is moving text</marquee>[/tex]
This is moving text$$
Input : for giving spacing between two words
The tag "tex" should contain only small case letters it should not have any upper case letters.
In the colour tag you can give your choice of colour.
Hope this is useful
$$\color{Red}\mathrm{------Mark\:me\:as\: brainliest ----}$$