Can somebody give answers? I would be grateful Urgent please

Water conservation is the only way to save water in the future to solve the problem of water scarcity. In India and other countries of the world, there is a major shortage of water, which has caused the common people to make long distances for drinking water and also to make necessary water to meet everyday tasks. On the other hand, in adequate water areas, people are wasting more water than their daily needs. We all need to understand the importance of water and problems related to lack of water in the future. We should not ruin and pollute useful water in our life and encourage water conservation and conservation amongst the people.
Water is the first need for anyone and water conservation is the hot topic today! it simply means making use of water in an appropriate and judicious manner. Since our lives depend entirely on water, it is our duty to think about water conservation and how we can contribute to it.
Water conservation
To your knowledge, 97% of our planet is covered in salt water that we cannot use for drinking. The left side of 3% of the water is cool but the 2% is also blocked by glaciers and ice caps. So, we only have 1% left. So, now, feel something that explains why water conservation is important to us. We only depend on a small percentage of water, so it is our responsibility not to pollute and abuse it. Each of us must know how to save water. Before moving further, let us know his types
Water conservation methods
A variety of methods can be used to keep water
inside and out. Here they are:
By protecting the water against pollution, we can contribute to the conservation of water.
Water conservation can be done using water
for redistribution
• Consider the rational use of groundwater.
. By renewing traditional water resources, especially in the country like India, its method
can help water conservation.
. The use of recent or modern irrigation methods in the agricultural sector can also help save water.
By making changes in the culture model as if the crops are grown by farmers under agro climatic conditions, there will be no need for
excess water.
. With the use of geothermal water.
• Saving water in industries
Modern methods of water conservation
Water conservation at home
Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. This can conserve a lot of water. In addition, educate your children to do the same. By following this practice, you can at least keep more than 150 gallons of water each month. Try to buy energy-efficient appliances for your daily needs such as bathtubs, sink systems, dishwashers, etc
• Continue to check for leaks. A small leak in the sinks or toilets could result in the use of extra water. Plus, this will add to your water bill too. So, next time, be careful for such small leaks as this can help conserve water.
• While washing clothes and kitchen appliances, make sure you do not waste water by half charging your washing machine or dishwasher. Keep them full before washing.
• You will be surprised to know that just by