can someone explain me plz...

i will tell u but wait for morning .. okkk . then i will tell step by step
Answer:any quadratic
polynomial ax2
+ bx + c, a ≠ 0, the
graph of the corresponding
equation y = ax 2
+ bx + c has one
of the two shapes either open
upwards that is called parabolas,depending on
whether a > 0 or a < 0
1.–1 and 4 are zeroes of the
quadratic polynomial
2.t –1 and 4
are the x-coordinates of the points
where the graph of y
= x2– 3x – 4
intersects the x-axis
zeroes of the quadratic polynomial
x2 – 3x – 4 are x-coordinates of
the points where the graph of
= x 2– 3x – 4 intersects the x-axis
true for any quadratic polynomial, i.e., the zeroes of a quadratic
polynomial ax2
+ bx + c, a ≠ 0, are precisely the x-coordinates of the points where the
parabola representing y = ax 2
+ bx + c intersects the x-axis
hope it will help u