Can someone give me a briefly made up paragraph for what happened to you (me) in the month of July 2020 so that I can use for my language class?
Is it Monday, Friday or Sunday? It can be difficult to know during lockdown. Throughout these uncertain times, the days can feel as though they roll into each other. The kids are always at home, you might be working from home, or you might be out of work altogether. Nothing feels the same and your routine has been totally disrupted.
It can be tempting to scrap any sort of routine. After all with no rush to really go anywhere, your time is your own. But, are you making best use of that time? Sticking to a routine can really help your mental health and wellbeing.
Below are our top tips to starting your day off right:
Set an alarm. Even if you have nowhere to go, getting up at a decent time helps add structure your day and makes you feel like you haven’t just wasted it. There are still plenty of ways to keep busy around the house, so make use of this free time and do those little job you’ve been putting off!
Eat breakfast. This kick starts your energy and is your brain fuel for the rest of the day.
Get some fresh air. We’re only allowed one hour of exercise a day, so make it count! Go for a walk and enjoy being in the outdoors.
Start a hobby. Have you been meaning to start that new book you’ve had for a while and just never had time? Or would you love to get back into baking but are usually too tired after work to make anything from scratch? Now is your perfect opportunity.
Keep in touch. Reaching out to friends and family is a great way to stay connected and helps us all feel less lonely during lockdown. So, pick up the phone or text a loved one and let them know you’re thinking of them.
‘YOU’ time. If you have kids then having them at home all day everyday can be exhausting! Make sure you take an hour each day for yourself. Whether that’s having a bubble bath, sitting down with a cup of tea or listening to some music, it’s essential you have time to unwind and reflect.
Less exposure to the media. It’s important we all stay informed but too much exposure to the media can increase anxiety and keep your mind active on a night. Try to limit your exposure to the TV and in particular your mobile phone to help your mind prepare for a good night’s sleep.
Consistent bed time. Try to stick to a consistent bed time as this will help keep your body in a routine. Throughout these challenging times, a good night’s sleep is key and will help us wake up more positive and energetic for the day ahead.