English, asked by sambhav230606, 10 months ago

Can u tell me a essay on "A summer noon"


Answered by MahatmaGandhi11

It is a punishment to go out during hot summer. The mercury is at its peak during the summer. Heat is unbearable even during the early hours of the day. As the mercury ascends, there is a rise in temperature. All living beings find it difficult to bear the scorching heat. Life is very uncomfortable during this time.

The early hour of the day is pleasant, particularly when the sun is about to appear. It is cool and calm. Cold wind blows. But with the rise of the sun, the mood of the day seems to be changing. Heat is felt during the hour. As the sun ascends, the plants also begin to feel the severity of the day. Their teases fall. They appear dull. Even the flowers which have bloomed soon lose their charm during the day hour. The period between dawn and sunlight present a lovely sight. The twilling scene is very beautiful. The calm and serene atmosphere, the cool and bracing climate and the refreshing breeze give a soothing effect. The chirping sound of the bird appears to be enchanting.

The day becomes hotter as it advances. It is the most difficult time of the day. It is particularly difficult for those who have a field job. At noon the sun is hot red. People avoid going out during the time. Farmers stop working in the fields. The streets, markets, etc. present deserted look. People try to keep themselves inside. Scorching heat is piercing to the eyes. Those who have to go out, cover themselves with thick clothes. They wear sun glasses. To avoid the severity, people shut their doors and windows. Rooms are made cool with the help of air conditioner and fans. We sweat profusely when we are away from the fans or ACs. We are wet with sweat within minutes. Heat becomes unbearable during the afternoon period. Even animals hid themselves in shade to avoid heat of the summer. In villages, buffaloes can be seen neck-deep sunk in ponds and streams. They do so to escape heat. Incidences of heat stroke are frequent in the summer. A large number of people die from heat stroke particularly in northern part of India.

People begin to come out when the sun is to set in evening. Picture changes at that time. There are fun and activity in public parks, gardens and fashionable centers. They enjoy cold drink and ice cream in the evening.

However, science and technology has lessened the severity of the hot summer. It has made our lives rather easy and comfortable. Summer is not hot and uncomfortable for those who have all the luxuries available. They sit in AC room. Even if they have to go outside, they have AC car. Heat makes’ no difference to them. It is the poor who are the worst sufferers.

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