can we go beyond the atmosphere
yes we can go beyond the atmosphere by the speed of 11.2km/s this is called escape velocity
a huge yes is the answer
beyond atmosphere is the whole universe in which many astronauts have already stepped in.
the universe has vacuum that means there is no air and hence no atmosphere.
atmosphere circumvents only around the planets.
if we could have not gone beyond the universe, we might not have discovered a no. of things about our universe.
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was the first person to go out of the atmosphere that is into the space.
to go out of the universe a large force is required and the rockets are designed in the way so that they can escape out in the space with the required velocity.
there shape is streamlined, enabling them to cut through the dense atmosphere.
the atmosphere is really very dence at heights.
Remember this in your life too. Go beyond your limits to bring the best out of you!!