can we set recurring appointment, using the calendar in Outlook.
Answer:Open your calendar. Click on New Appointment or double click on a desired date and time in your calendar to open a new Appointment window. ... Adjust the Start time and End time if necessary. Click on Recurrence to open the Appointment Recurrence dialogue window.
Personal Automation
Transcript: For example, in the calendar app, we wouldn't just want to have a single checkbox to say, yes, it's a repeating appointment, and then have the computer decide how often it will repeat and how many times. No, we need to provide that little bit of extra information, those rules to follow. And three, the benefits of automation are often small, but cumulative. They add up. If making a repeating appointment was this rare situation where only 1 person in 1000 needed to do it once every 3 years, it wouldn't be a feature in the calendar app.