can we use √(x2-x1)² +(y1-y2)²

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yes, that wil do.
First find the distance between the given two points B and C , then assume a coordinate for the point A, like (m,n).
Now, since the triangle is equilateral, so the point A will be equidistant from B and C. By using the distance formula, i.e., the one you stated, you will be able to fine the required coordinate.
If you are unable to do so, hit me up, i will do it fir you
First find the distance between the given two points B and C , then assume a coordinate for the point A, like (m,n).
Now, since the triangle is equilateral, so the point A will be equidistant from B and C. By using the distance formula, i.e., the one you stated, you will be able to fine the required coordinate.
If you are unable to do so, hit me up, i will do it fir you
Answered by
Yes you can use the distance formula for solving this question.
The answer you will obtain will be (0, 3✓3) or (0, -3✓3) as A can have two coordinates.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the attachment.. Hope it's helpful.

will the examiner accept it????
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