can you give me a 2 minute speech on humour and wisdom
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If you decide to speak on "Humor and Wisdom," the easiest course would
be to focus on a single example rather than trying to cover such a big
subject in a short speech. The most obvious topic would be Mark Twain,
who was noted for his humor and for his worldly wisdom. You could
sprinkle your speech with quotations from Mark Twain's writings. Make
your audience laugh. These quotes are easily accessible in the many
quotations sites online. Another lesser-known writer you might sample in
the quotes collections online is Stephen Leacock. E. B. White and his
wife published a great book titled A Subtreasury of American Humor.
It covers all the best American humorists from past to recent times,
and provides samples of their writings. The book should be easy to find
in your school library. You might look through it and pick out authors
who make you laugh. You could make your speech a sort of sampling of
American humor. E. B. White is now best remembered for his children's
books Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little, but he was a
distinguished essayist and a subtle humorist himself. Humor and wisdom
often go together. Make it simple. Don't get buried under a lot of
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