can you give me answer of following question?
why did the writer later change his opinion about teachers being overpaid and over glorified baby-sitters?
its question from passage
Recently I was informed that my seven-year-old daughter, Geri Anne, was having difficulty
in school. Her trouble stemmed front her inability to grasp learning how to read by the use of
phonics. My initial reaction was to take the child out of public school and place her in a private
one. I had always believed that the teachers employed by the New York City Board of Education
were only overpaid and over glorified baby-sitters. This idea was reinforced when I visited my
daughter’s class last year and the teacher calmly walked out of the class to go to the bathroom,
neglecting to separate two little boys who had their hands around each other’s throats.
Through speaking to one of the mothers, however, I found out that the school was equipped to
handle children with learning disabilities in a place called the “resource” room. This room is
equipped with games and toys geared especially for children who have problems in learning.
There is also a teacher who is specially trained to handle this type of situation. The children are
taught in small groups of five, and each child is given individual attention.
The problem with this system is that just any child cannot qualify for the resource room. Because
of the limit placed on the number of children in a group and the lack of funds to pay for
additional teachers, only a select few can benefit.
Immediately, I made an appointment with Mrs. Schwartz, the principal, and she agreed that Geri
Anne might be a candidate for this program, but I would have to sign some forms before she
could be tested. She also told me that enrolling her in the resource room was the least she could
do to help Geri Anne.
A couple of days later, I received a letter giving me an appointment with Mrs. Linden, a social
worker who would explain what the tests entailed. I then met Mrs. Schulman, another social
worker, who interviewed me about my background and about Geri Anne’s previous experiences
in school. Ironically, as a child I also had difficulty in learning how to read, and Mrs. Schulman
explained that sometimes this type of problem can be inherited. I was then informed that the tests
would be given within a thirty-day period and that the results were to be available to me.
Three days ago, Geri Anne was given her first series of tests. First, a child psychologist
interviewed her to evaluate her emotional state and to determine if her problem was caused by an
conditional upset, because if a child has a high anxiety level, she will sometimes test poorly.
After her interview, Geri Anne was given a
test to detect if there is a malfunction in her visual perception. She was given a series of blocks in
a certain sequence and was asked to duplicate it to detect if there is a reversal in her seeing the
letters, which would give her difficulty in seeing and forming new words. Another test was
performed to diagnose any visual problems through hand-and-eye co-ordination.So far, these have been the only tests given to Geri Anne, but there are still more in the series. I
was also informed that an equivalent test is given at Lons Island Jewish Hospital for a high fee.
Since our first phone conversation, Geri Anne’s teacher has called me in the evening at least
seven times to report her progress.
I do not know if Geri Anne’s problem can be solved by this program, but I do know that 1 now
believe that the taxes I am paying in New York City are not just being thrown away on overpaid
teachers and the city school system is still, as far as I am concerned, one of the finest you could
ask for.
Answer the following questions in your own words: (2 marks for each question)
i. What accounted for the writer’s immediate reaction to his child’s problem?
ii. Mention three ways in which the school was capable of giving training to children
with learning disabilities.
iii. Describe the process through which admittance of Geri Anne was determined.
iv. Explain in the context of title passage the meaning of the expression-“was
equipped to handle children with learning disabilities.”
v. Why did the writer later change his opinion about teachers being overpaid and
over glorified baby-sitters?