English, asked by priya0067, 9 months ago

Can you name any of the tools of the devil ​


Answered by rama1817

the tools of devil are knife, stick,gun, etc

Answered by roysharanjeet

One of the devil’s main tools, both outside the Church and especially inside the Church, is gossip. Any of us can so easily become guilty of gossip. Idle talk often degenerates into gossip. Furthermore, the information passed on does not have to be false to be gossip. Even truth, especially in a negative light, is gossip.

“Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story” seems to be the slogan for most tabloid publications, based on the premise that inquiring minds want to know. But those stories are often based on innuendo and half-truths. A tiny drop of poison in a glass of water makes it undrinkable. In the same way, a little distortion added to truth makes it poisonous gossip. Paul used the same analogy in his letter to the Corinthian church when he wrote, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump”

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