Can you please explain the types of executive ?
Types of Executive:
Modern executive represents different viewpoints.
(1) Nominal and Real Executive:
In many countries the Head of the State has nominal powers, as in Great Britain, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium and Holland. In these countries, the powers of the Monarch are exercised by his ministers. Thus there is nominal executive in these countries. Contrary to this, under the Constitution of the U.S.A., the President has been given many powers and he himself exercises these powers.
(2) Single and Plural types of Executives:
Single executive means that all executive powers are vested in one Head of the State, e.g., the President of America exercises all executive powers. In Switzerland, the executive power is not in the hands of only one individual, but in the hands of a Council of seven members. The Chairman of this Council has no additional powers. Thus all the seven members are equally responsible for the administration in that country. This type of Swiss executive is called Plural Executive.
(3) Parliamentary and Presidential Types of Executive:
In Parliamentary executive the Cabinet is responsible to the legislature. This system is functioning in England, France, Japan, Sri lanka, India, West Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and Holland. Where the President is the Head of the State and he has real executive powers and is not responsible to the Parliament, the system will be known as the Presidential type of executive. This system is functioning in the United States of America. Brazil and some countries of South America. The President is elected for a fixed term in these countries and he can be removed only through an impeachment.
(4) Hereditary and Elective Executive:
When a king is the Head of the State and when after his death his son or, in case of his being issueless, some of his near relative occupies the throne, the system is called hereditary executive. This type of executive is functioning in England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Japan and Nepal.
In countries where the Head of State is elected either by the people or by their representatives, the system is called Elective Executive. We find this system in India, France, West Germany, Italy, the United States of America, Austria, Pakistan, Egypt, etc.