Care for creation report writing
ata collection from the point of care supports the delivery of high-quality, individualized healthcare integrating clinical expertise with external evidence. The CARE guidelines for case reports help reduce bias, increase transparency, and provide early signals of what works, for which patients, and under which circumstances.
Value in healthcare can be measured as a return on investment (ROI). One way ROI in healthcare can measured is to track the costs associated with outcomes. Clinician assessed outcomes can be reported in case reports, patient reported outcome measures such as PROMIS developed by the NIH or the SF-12 developed by RAND mesure patient assessed outcomes . Systematic data collection from the point of following the CARE guidelines provides evidence documenting the effectiveness—or harms—of interventions and also provides feedback on clinical practice guidelines. “Good case reporting demands a clear focus, to make explicit to the audience why a particular observation is important in the context of existing knowledge.” (Vandenbroucke 2001)