Chemistry, asked by dalaitapaswini92, 16 days ago

CAREER POINT: CP Tower, IPIA, Road No.1, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-3040000 4


Q.45 Radiation energy corresponding to the temperature

T of the sun is E. If its temperature is doubled,

then its radiation energy will be :

(1) 32 E (2) 16 E (3) 8 E (4) 4 E

Q.46 The cause of potential barrier in a P–N junction

diode is :

(1) Concentration of positive and negative ions

near the junction

(2) Concentration of positive charges near the


(3) Depletion of negative charges near the


(4) Increment in concentration of holes and

electrons near the junction

Q.47 Common emitter circuit is used as amplifier, its

current gain is 50. If input resistance is 1 kΩ and

input voltage is 5 volt then output current will be :

(1) 250 mA (2) 30 mA

(3) 50 mA (4) 100 mA

Q.48 We consider a thermodynamic system. If ∆U

represents the increase in its internal energy and W

the work done by the system, which of the

following statements is true ?

(1) ∆U = –W in an isothermal process

(2) ∆U = W in an isothermal process

(3) ∆U = –W in an adiabatic process

(4) ∆U = W in an adiabatic process

Q.49 A point Q lies on the perpendicular bisector of an

electrical dipole of dipole moment p. If the distance

of Q from the dipole is r (much larger than the size

of the dipole), then the electric field at Q is

proportional to :

(1) p2

and r –3 (2) p and r –2

(3) p–1 and r –2 (4) p and r –3

Q.50 A particle, with restoring force proportional to

displacement and resisting force proportional to

velocity is subjected to a force F sin ωt. If the

amplitude of the particle is maximum for ω = ω1

and the energy of the particle maximum for ω = ω2,

then :

(1) ω1 ≠ ω0 and ω2 = ω0

(2) ω1 = ω0 and ω2 = ω0

(3) ω1 = ω0 and ω2 ≠ ω0

(4) ω1 ≠ ω0 and ω2 ≠ ω0

Q.51 Correct order of –I effect is :

(1) – + NR3 > OR > F (2) F > – + NR3 > – OR

(3) – + NR3 > F > OR (4) OR > – + NR3 > F

Q.52 Aspirin can be prepared by the reaction of

acetyl chloride with :

(1) Benzoic acid

(2) Phenol

(3) p-hydroxy benzoic acid

(4) o-hydroxy benzoic acid

Q.53 IUPAC name of C = C





is :

(1) (Z)-2-chloro-3-iodo-2-pentene

(2) (E)-2-chloro-3-iodo-2-pentene

(3) 2-iodo-3-chloro-pentene

(4) None of the above

Q.54 Which of the following does not given iodoform

test :

(1) 3-pentanone (2) 2-pentanone

(3) Ethanol (4) Ethanal

Q.55 The product formed by the reaction of


CH2 — CH2 with RMgX is :

(1) RCH2–CH2OH (2) CH–CH2OH



(3) R–O–CH2CH3 (4) CH3–CH–CH3


Q.56 Which of the following is not the characteristic

of arenes :

(1) More stability

(2) Resonance

(3) Delocalization of π electrons

(4) Electrophilic addition

Q.57 Which of the following gives most easily

electrophilic substitution reaction :





(3) (4)


Q.58 Which of the following does not give claisen

condensation reaction :

(1) C6H5COOC2H5

(2) C6H5CH2COOC2H5

(3) CH3COOC2H5

(4) None of the above​


Answered by abhay12agrh


I know that building , I lived near there


One girl can come , full privacy assured , sex , come only if interested


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