Environmental Sciences, asked by mouliraj6499, 1 year ago

Causes and effects of radioactive pollution


Answered by sallu14
Radioactive pollution is created when radioactive byproducts of a nuclear reaction, either man-made or natural, are dumped in the environment or in the vicinity of human settlements. Nuclear power and research stations are the major contributors to man-made radioactive waste. These facilities bring about a nuclear reaction (usually fission) for the purpose of either production of energy (electricity) or research. When a heavy atom of a nuclear fuel, such as uranium, undergoes nuclear fission, it results into two daughter nuclei, both radioactive in their own rights. These byproducts aren't reusable and thus have to be dumped. The introduction of these radioactive byproducts causes radioactive pollution.

Radioactive pollution is fast becoming a major concern due to the increase in the usage of nuclear fuel. The radioactive byproducts of nuclear reactions are often disposed without any precautionary measures to isolate the harmful components, which can contaminate air, soil and water. A large amount of radioactive waste is generated from nuclear reactors used in nuclear power plants and for many other purposes. It may also occur during extraction and refining of the radioactive material.

Radioactive waste generates radioactivity and emits radioactive byproducts. Radioactivity is the spontaneous loss of energy from an unstable atom, in the form of various nuclear byproducts (radiation). It helps the atom gain a relatively stabler configuration. This spontaneous loss, known as radioactive decay, continues till a stable (nonradioactive) configuration is achieved.

The reason why radiation is considered a threat is that it contains enough energy to ionize a stable atom by separating an electron from it. If ionizing radiation enters the body of an organism, it ionizes the molecules found in the body. This leads to the formation of a large number of free radicals that react with vital bodily components, nullifying their effects by forming new compounds in their place. This can lead to cancer.

The three main types of emissions from radioactive substances are:Alpha Radiation, Beta Radiation andGamma Radiation. Among the three, the effect of alpha particles (which is, in effect, a helium atom) is the lowest and the gamma rays, the most. Alpha particles can be blocked by a mere sheet of paper (or, at a sufficient distance, even air!), while protection from gamma particles requires thick lead plates. However, accidental ingestion or injection of alpha particles can be fatal, since they can come in direct contact with internal organs and important bodily fluids such as blood. Radiation is only harmful when it comes in contact with the body. If it can be blocked, the mere 'presence' of radioactivity is not harmful.

Answered by Smarties2
Effects-The radioactive radiation can cause harmful effects of radioactive contamination
-They can also cause damage if they are excessively used during treatment
-They can cause radiation poisoning
Causes-Use of nuclear weapons
radiation from nuclear power plants
disposal of nuclear waste
use of radioactive isotopes
mining and refining of radioactive substance
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