Treatment, of AIDS and HEPATITIS disease
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HIV is caused by transmission of three types: Sexual, exposure to infected blood and vertical transmission from mother to child.
. Sexual contact: This is the most common form of transmission of the virus. If one has unprotected sex with a person who is infected with HIV, he will get the infection as well. The risk is particularly higher during anal sex. The transmission of infection basically occurs through infected bodily fluids that include fluids from genital, rectal, or oral mucous membrane. Till some time ago, the most common form of sexual contact that led to AIDS was heterosexual. However, lately, more gay and bisexual contact has led to the occurrence of AIDS in the men of the United States.
2. Exposure to infected blood: This is the second most common mode of transmission of HIV. It includes contact with infected blood through transfusion of contaminated blood, needle-sharing during drug intake or getting injected with an unsterilized equipment. However, the risk of HIV through blood is getting lower in developed countries, thanks to better screening and meticulous precautions.
3. Vertical transmission from mother to child: It is possible for HIV tfor HIV to transmit from the mother to her child while she is pregnant, while she is delivering the baby or through her breast milk if she is infected. However, the risk of perinatal transmission can be significantly decreased if the mother and/or the child are given antiretroviral drugs.
What does not transmit HIV
It must be noted that the infection does not spread through exposure to faeces, saliva, sputum, nasal secretions, sweat, urine, vomit or tears of an infected person unless these are contaminated by blood of the person.
Mosquitoes or any other insects also cannot transmit HIV.
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There are three stages in the symptoms of an HIV infection. They are called acute infection, asymptomatic HIV and AIDS or late-stage HIV.
1. Acute infection
This phase includes the influenza-like symptoms which develop within two to six weeks of contracting the HIV infection. These symptoms occur in every four to nine cases out of ten. The symptoms of this phase include the following:
1. Fever
2. Chills
3. Muscle aches
4. Soreness in throat