English, asked by Nazira8718, 1 year ago

Celebration of independence day of college


Answered by niraj1222002

I was celebrated Independence Day on my college it was a great pleasure to celebrate with my friend and my teachers we make all the arrangements himself we are collected funds together but not much most of the money is provided by the college we also make the arrangements for parade in our school some students are from NCC so did and parade that day and every student show their talent some Sung songs and some where dance and the arts and crafts students decorated all the college with flowers and paper crafts and some students arranged the music system and Mike and excetra electronic items which have interest in them all the student do their best and at last all the arrangements was very good all the teacher where appreciate our work and on that day our principal sir who was given a wonderful speech and at the end of celebration we all were sung national anthem and distributed sweets among all the students and teachers.

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