change into Affirmative & negative

hey mate
1. everyone does not make mistake
2. I will not remember this
3. it was not useless
4. truth is not only religion
5. i did not refuse to cheat
6. you have not heard right
7. last time I did not refuse
8. I do not want to impress the teachers
9. these attempts did not fail.
Hope you understand
1. Affirmative: Everyone makes mistake
Negative: Everyone does not make mistake
2. Affirmative: I wll always remember this
Negative: I will not remember this
3. Affirmative: it was useless
Negative: it was not useless
4. Affirmative: truth is the only religion
Negative : truth is not the the only religion
5. Affirmative: i refused to cheat
Negative : i did not refused to cheat
6. Affirmative: you have heard right
Negative : you have not heard right
7. Affirmative: last night i refused
Negative : last night i did not refused
8. Affirmative: i only want to impress the teacher
Negative : i do not only want to impress the teacher
9. Affirmative: these attempts failed
Negative : these attempts did not fail