change the voice i am go
to school
Active Voice : I am going to school .
Passive voice : School is being gone by me.
Voice :
It is that form of the transitive verb that shows whether the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action or has the action done to it.
Voices are of two type :
★ Active Voice
★ Passive voice
Eg ,
• Mohan played football.
Passive voice : Football was played by Mohan .
Rules to change voice :
• The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the verb in the passive voice.
• The preposition "by" is put before it.
• The main verb of the active sentence changes into the past participle.
• The form of the verb to "be" is placed before the main work according to the tense.
The auxiliary verb is changed according to the new subject in number and person.
School is being gone by me.