Business Studies, asked by arizhoney, 1 year ago

Changes witnessed over the last few year on the mode of packaging and its economic impact?...i have to make a project on this topic so elaborate it.


Answered by monu7bishnoi

Dear student, I’m going to express few points with respect to packaging in various industries in last few years & their impact on Economy. Hope it helps you to create your own project research.


a) The changes in transportation of fruits and vegetables such as cardboard crates being used in place of wooden crates, etc. The main reason for all above changes in mode of transportation is a zeal & quest of manufactures to provide the products in most safe & natural way to its customers as earliest from the production house .Without damaging & much delay they choses such way that seems attractive to customers & also good for environment. We saw that there is different kind of lorry those are dedicated to specific products. Like Egg Van or Milk Van or Soda bottle van. All comes in different shape & structure to hold & transport the product in fastest & safest way to its end users  



b) Milk being supplied in glass bottles, later in plastic bags and now in tetra pack and through vending machines. Changing the mode of packaging & distribution is a sure way to help & protect the nature. We can see the journey of a product from  being a garbage after use to  being reuses after its product life cycle .we know that glass & plastics are major threat to environment & hard to recycler than paper.


c) Plastic furniture [doors and stools] gaining preference over wooden furniture. People feel that plastic products are more attractive, durable & easy to carry than wooden furniture. A plastic made product is cheaper & requires fewer eyes for maintenance & movement throughout the year. They are also immune to environmental changes like rain or summer .We know that wooden furniture can get moist or may get caught   fungus if doesn’t cared much on time.


d) The origin of cardboard and the various stages of changes and growth. Cupboards are again easy to carry, lighter in weight comparatively with any ones else. We can reuse & reshaped them. They are simplest form of light weight products packaging & short distance transportations.


e) Brown paper bags packing to recycled paper bags to plastic bags and cloth bags. Brown paper bags are most naturally recycles & 1st form of any recycle product. So their life cycle is short & we can use them repetitively by continuous recycle. They are easy to decompose in nature. Again they are attractive & less in weight.


f) Reuse of packaging [bottles, jars and tins] to attract customers for their products. Yes, putting the recycle sign on products give the feed good & proud to both manufacturer & user because Manufacturer feels responsible & user think that they are not doing any harm to them & nation by using this particular product.

g) The concept of pyramid packaging for milk. As we know very well about the power of pyramids for their property of perseverance for longer time & at best standards with natural touch. Same concept now a day applied in food & beverage packaging to provide the faith to customers that products are more natural yet sharp & safe .By that we can pack more quantity in fewer surfaces & less material used


h) Cost being borne by the consumer/manufacturer. I think cost it is going to reduced & profit of it going help both manufacturer & customer because With extra saving on production manufacturer can use that fund for more innovations, research work & development activities  . Whereas customer is happy with cost reduction & upgraded quality of product with   respect to his health &   environment both.


i) Packaging used as means of advertisements. Now a day’s companies doing their advertisements at single glace only. On the placekicking the single product, they display their whole product range to attract more customers & retain the exiting users for forever.

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