Character of megadorus in the "pot of gold"
Here is the correct answer

Megadorus plays the role of a rejected old bachelor and finally a mediator in the ‘Pot of gold’.
In the Latin play ‘Pot of Gold’ Megadorus plays a significant role. Though he is not the protagonist yet through his character Plautus the famous playwright invokes much satire and humour. Initially he plays the role of a rich, lustful old bachelor.
Although ripe in age yet he is greatly attracted by his young neighbour who is the age of his daughter. He leaves no stone unturned to get married to her. This makes him appear comic and hypocrite.
However in the later part of the story he becomes a better person. When he realises his nephew is in love with his neighbour and has already made her pregnant he steps down from his stand of marriage and acts as a mediator to get his nephew married.