English, asked by mdrizwan4422, 11 months ago

Character of Semyon Ivanov


Answered by MohdShaharyar
Ivanov was born to a peasants' family. He began working in railroad maintenance at the age of twelve, while continuing to study during his spare time. He volunteered for the Red Armyin 1926 and was sent to the 1st Infantry School in Moscow. After he graduated in 1929, he was given command of a platoon in the 16th Infantry Division. He joined the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the same year.

In 1936, Ivanov was sent to the Frunze Military Academy. Three years later, when he completed his studies, he was assigned to the Ural Military District as an assistant to the chief of operations. During the Soviet–Finnish War, he served as the chief of staff in the 1st Infantry Corps of the 8th Army.

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