English, asked by cindaomloljajani, 1 year ago

Character sketch of doris , cyril , mrs. pearson , mrs fitzerald


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Doris Pearson is the daughter of Mrs. Pearson. She is a pretty girl in her early twenties. She looks pleasant but she is a 'spoilt' child. She makes her mother run after her all the time. She gives order to her as if Mrs. Pearson were the servant in the house. She asks her mother to iron her yellow silk. She expects tea to be served to her. She always thinks of her and her boy-friend, Charlie.


Cyril is the masculine counterpart of Doris. He is also 'spoilt' like his sister. He is in the habit of treating his mother very casually. He asks if tea is ready. When Mrs. Pearson says 'no', he angrily answers back: "Why not?"  Then he orders: "Did you put my things out?" So he makes his mother run all the time doing one thing or the other.

Mrs. Pearson

Mrs. Pearson appears to be a timid and confused lady. She is in her forties. She is a devoted housewife. She enjoys serving her husband and  children. She is ignored and made to work throughout the day. In spite of their ill treatment, neglect and exploitation, she loves them all. In fact, for that she endures everything without any murmur or protest. We feel sympathy for her. We wish her to be a little more assertive. However, Mrs. Fitzgerald brings about a change in her personality. She helps her to become more assertive and dominating at the end.

Mrs. Fitzgerald

Mrs. Fitzgerald is quite experienced and smart. She knows some esoteric magic that she learned in the East. She is heavier and has a 'strong and sinister personality'. She is liberated, strong, dominating and bold. She smokes and plays cards. Mrs Fitzgerald has a deep voice. Her accent is Irish. Mrs. Fitzgerald is firm, solid an d result -oriented. She sets all the spoilt members of Mrs. Pearson's family right.

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