Character sketch of RAM BHAROSA
Ram Bharosa, his name means ‘Ram the trustworthy’. He is a shopkeeper, probably middle-aged, not very old. He runs a tea shop on Tehri road, but he also sells curd, soft-drinks, toffees and so on, mainly food items. Once a day, a bus halts by his shop and passengers drink tea or slurp curd. By all means, he is the richest man in the village. However, at the same time he is greedy too. He often let people or students take items on credit and at the time of calculation, he charges them extra and when they can’t pay he snatches some of their valuable stuff for his personal use or to sell at his shop.
In short:
Ram Bharosa has his shop in the Tehri road which sells tea and sweets. He falls in love with Binya's Blue umbrella and wishes to have it. His servant decides to steal it in return with 3 rupese and when caught he decides to mend hos ways.
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