Characteristics of sex linked inheritance?
HEY -:)
Characteristics of sex linked inheritance
1. It is criss-cross inheritance.
2. Mother passes the alleles of sex-linked traits to both sons and daughters.
3. Majority of the sex linked traits are recessive.
4. Sex linked traits are more apparent in males than in females.
5. As many sex-linked traits are harmful, males suffer more from sex-linked disorders.
6. Females generally function as carriers of sex-linked disorders because recessive genes can express themselves in females only in the homozygous state.
Hope it helps✌
~ Sex linkage was discovered by Morgan, while working on eye color in Drosophila.
~ He made three type of crosses.
♣ Conclusion of the crosses made by Morgan
♦X-chromosome does not pass directly from one parent to the offspring of the same sex but follows a criss-cross inheritance.
♦ In criss-cross inheritance a male transmits his traits to his grandson through daughter (Diagynic).
A father transmits his allele of X-lined genes to his daughters, but not to his sons.
♦ Female transmits the traits to her granddaughter through her son (Diandric).
A mother transmits an allen of X-linked genes to both her daughter and her sons.
♦ When a trait is X-linked, a single allele is sufficient for a male to be affected because male is hemizygous. He has only one allele of an X-linked trait.