Biology, asked by tiwari8626, 1 year ago

Characteristics, purification, mode of action and assay (in vivo, in vitro) of endotoxins of gram negative bacteria


Answered by liza10987654321

Endotoxin or LPS is a component of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria, and cell wall-active antibiotics (such as β-lactams) are considered to be most responsible for the liberation of excess amounts of endotoxin. Endotoxin has many different pathophysiological activities both in vivo and in vitro (29).

Answered by yashgandhi74

In vivo, this results from autolysis, external lysis mediated by complement and lysozyme, and phagocytic digestion of bacterial cells. Compared to the classic exotoxins of bacteria, endotoxins are less potent and less specific in their action, since they do not act enzymatically.

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