Charaterskeh of hassan
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n the book, The Kite Runner, Hassan is seen to have many different characteristics. However, Hassan has three major traits that are seen throughout the entire book. These are: he is brave, humble, kind-hearted, honest and loyal. These traits help us to understand why the reader admires Hassan throughout the novel.
Hassan is seen as brave when he and Amir are confronted by Assef and his two friends, Wali and Kamal. Assef is about to fight Amir, when suddenly “Hassan… pulled the wide elastic band [of his slingshot] all the way back. In the cup was a rock the size of a walnut. Hassan held the slingshot pointed directly at Assef’s face” (39). By Hassan doing this, he saves both himself and Amir from being beaten by Assef and his friends. However, by doing this, Hassan causes the book to unfold as it does, starting with how Assef takes revenge on Hassan. Another way that Hassan shows he is brave is when Rahim Kahn is talking to Amir later in the book and he is saying that the Taliban went to Amir’s old house after Rahim Kahn left, and it was only Hassan and his family living there, and the Taliban “told Hassan they would be moving on to supposedly keep it safe until I return. Hassan protested again. So they took him to the street… and ordered him to kneel… and shot him in the back of the head,” (202). This shows that Hassan is brave because he died standing up against the Taliban, and knowingly went to his death trying to defend his home. These proofs make it clear to the reader that Hassan is a brave person throughout his life, even if he is only a Hazara.
Hassan is seen as humble because whenever he speaks to anyone, he calls them ‘Agha,’ which is a term of respect. Even when he is talking to Assef, he refers to him as ‘Agha’ (39). This shows that Hassan is very respectful and humble, having grown up as a servant, and always being looked down on. Hassan also shows he is humble when he and Ali buy Amir ‘Shahnamah’ for his birthday. When they give the book to Amir, they say, “it’s modest and not worthy of you, Amir agha. But we hope you like it still,” (96). This shows that Hassan is humble, because he knows that no matter what he and Ali get for Amir, it will never measure up to what he, being who he is, deserves, even if Amir does not agree with their thoughts. Through these statements, it is easy to see that Hassan is a very humble, respectful person.
Hassan is seen as brave when he and Amir are confronted by Assef and his two friends, Wali and Kamal. Assef is about to fight Amir, when suddenly “Hassan… pulled the wide elastic band [of his slingshot] all the way back. In the cup was a rock the size of a walnut. Hassan held the slingshot pointed directly at Assef’s face” (39). By Hassan doing this, he saves both himself and Amir from being beaten by Assef and his friends. However, by doing this, Hassan causes the book to unfold as it does, starting with how Assef takes revenge on Hassan. Another way that Hassan shows he is brave is when Rahim Kahn is talking to Amir later in the book and he is saying that the Taliban went to Amir’s old house after Rahim Kahn left, and it was only Hassan and his family living there, and the Taliban “told Hassan they would be moving on to supposedly keep it safe until I return. Hassan protested again. So they took him to the street… and ordered him to kneel… and shot him in the back of the head,” (202). This shows that Hassan is brave because he died standing up against the Taliban, and knowingly went to his death trying to defend his home. These proofs make it clear to the reader that Hassan is a brave person throughout his life, even if he is only a Hazara.
Hassan is seen as humble because whenever he speaks to anyone, he calls them ‘Agha,’ which is a term of respect. Even when he is talking to Assef, he refers to him as ‘Agha’ (39). This shows that Hassan is very respectful and humble, having grown up as a servant, and always being looked down on. Hassan also shows he is humble when he and Ali buy Amir ‘Shahnamah’ for his birthday. When they give the book to Amir, they say, “it’s modest and not worthy of you, Amir agha. But we hope you like it still,” (96). This shows that Hassan is humble, because he knows that no matter what he and Ali get for Amir, it will never measure up to what he, being who he is, deserves, even if Amir does not agree with their thoughts. Through these statements, it is easy to see that Hassan is a very humble, respectful person.
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hope this helpful.........

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