English, asked by Robinpreet9437, 11 months ago

charectersketch of the ch lost child


Answered by llɱissMaɠiciaŋll


The underlying theme of the story “The Lost Child” is the universality of a child's desire for everything that he claps his eyes on. All that the child witnesses—from the toys lining the street, to the dragon flies in the mustard field, to the snake swaying to the tunes of a snake charmer's pungi—obsesses the child

Answered by hs26102005


The lost child is the main character in the story or the protagonist of the story. He is an innocent and obedient child by nature. He follows his parents instructions without any grudge. He is cheerful too and does not throw tantrums when they refuse to buy things. He is unconditionally attached to his parents that was too much scared when he came to know that he is separated from his parents and refused all the things with which he was tempted. The child is filled with innocence and purity which wins reader's love and attention.

Hope it helps you

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