Chemistry, asked by anshmaurya2004p9afuo, 1 year ago

chemical reaction when hydrogen peroxide come in contact of light


Answered by Shivaya1

The equation for the reaction is


The rate of decomposition is slow at room temperature, but it increases with temperature.

The rate increases rapidly in the presence of catalysts such as MnO2 and KI. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent. At low concentrations (3 %), it is used as a disinfectant and a bleach.

anshmaurya2004p9afuo: thank you for giving me answer
Answered by KHUSHI1234567890
HEY THERE...........
HERE IS YOUR ANSWER.............
☜☆☞ Hy­dro­gen per­ox­ide is a trans­par­ent, col­or­less and slight­ly vis­cous liq­uid with­out taste or smell, which in large vol­umes has a bluish tinge. The sub­stance is also known as hy­droperite and per­hy­drol. It is 1.5 times heav­ier than wa­ter and can mix with it in any ra­tios. The molec­u­lar weight of hy­dro­gen per­ox­ide is 34.02, freez­ing point is 0.5 de­grees Cel­sius, and boil­ing point is 67 de­grees. The chem­i­cal for­mu­la is Н₂О₂.

Hy­dro­gen per­ox­ide is a non-com­bustible liq­uid that is fire- and ex­plo­sion-haz­ardous, and a strong ox­i­diz­er which en­ters into re­ac­tions with many sub­stances: hy­dro­gen per­ox­ide eas­i­ly breaks down into oxy­gen and wa­ter when ex­posed to light, and also when it comes into con­tact with re­duc­ing and ox­i­diz­ing sub­stances, in in­ter­ac­tion with an al­ka­line or on heat­ing. In ide­al con­di­tions, Н₂О₂ breaks down slow­ly, with a speed of 1% per month. The speed of break­down slows down in the cold, so the sub­stance can be stored for a long time in a frozen state - from mi­nus 0.5 de­grees Cel­sius. In na­ture, Н₂О₂ is en­coun­tered in in­signif­i­cant quan­ti­ties – for ex­am­ple, in snow or rain­wa­ter.

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