Chemistry, asked by ParthivGandhi78261, 11 months ago

Chemistry project on sterilization of water using bleaching powder


Answered by aqsaahmed19945

Need of water  

Water is an imperative and fundamental fixing in our mission for survival on this planet. It is exceptionally fundamental for completing different metabolic procedures in our body. A normal of 1 gallon for every man is adequate for drinking and cooking purposes.

Filtration of Water  

There are numerous techniques for the sanitation of water, for example, 1. Boiling 2. Filtration 3. Bleaching powder treatment 4.Solar Water Disinfection  

Requirement for a steady purification strategy  

We require a cleansing system which can be utilized whenever and anyplace, does not require the utilization of any outsider substance and which is additionally financially practical on both typical scale and extensive scale. Thus we take a gander at the strategy for purging of water utilizing the procedure of treatment by fading powder regularly known as "Chlorination".  

Right up 'til today, blanching powder remains the most normally utilized drinking water disinfectant. All frameworks utilize some sort of chlorine-based procedure to clean water. Notwithstanding controlling ailment causing creatures, chlorination offers various advantages including:  

• Reduces numerous upsetting tastes and scents  

• Removes synthetic exacerbates that have disagreeable tastes and obstruct purification  

• Helps expel iron and manganese from crude water.  

For over a century, the security of drinking water supplies has been enormously enhanced by the expansion of dying powder. Nonetheless, fading powder additionally responds with the natural issue, normally present in water, for example, rotting leaves in this manner shaping a gathering of chemical known as sanitation results or disinfectant by products.

Bleaching Powder

Bleaching powder or Calcium hypo-chlorite is a compound with formula Ca(ClO)2. This compound relatively stable and has greater available chlorine than sodium hypo-chlorite (liquid bleach). It is prepared by either calcium process or sodium process.  

Calcium Process  

2Ca(OH)2 + 2 Cl2------->Ca(ClO)2 + CaCl2+ 2 H2O  

Sodium Process  

2Ca(OH)2+ 3Cl2+ 2NaOH------>Ca(ClO)2 + CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2NaCl

The following procedures are utilized for drinking water treatment around the world:  

1. Pre-chlorination  

2. Air circulation  

3. Coagulation  

4.Coagulant guides otherwise called poly-electrolyte's  

5. Sedimentation  


7. Sterilization  


To decide the measurement of fading powder required for cleansing or sanitization of various examples of water.  

Apparatus & Chemicals:  

Burette, titration flask, 100ml graduated cylinder, 250ml measuring flask, weight box, glazed tile, glass wool. Bleaching Powder, Glass wool, 0.1 N Na2S2O3 solution, 10% KI solution, different samples of water, starch solution. arrangement, distinctive examples of water, starch arrangement.  

Pre-Requisite Knowledge:  

1. Dying powder when broken down in contains disintegrated chlorine, freed by the activity of dying powder with water.  

Ca(OCl)2+H20 - > Ca(OH)2+Cl2  

2. The measure of Chlorine present is dictated by treating a known volume with overabundance of 10% KI arrangement, when comparable measure of I2 is freed. The I2, in this manner freed is then assessed by titrating it against a standard arrangement of Sodium thiosulphate, utilizing starch arrangement as pointer.  

Cl2+2KI ---->2KCl+I2  

2Na2S2O3 + I2----> Na2S4O6+2NaI  


1.Preparation of fading powder arrangement  

Weigh precisely 2.5g fading powder and exchange it to a 250ml cone like jar. Include about 100ml of refined water. Plug the carafe and shake it enthusiastically. The suspension in this way acquired is separated through glass fleece and the filtrate is weakened with water to make the volume 250ml. The arrangement acquired is 1% blanching powder arrangement.  

2.Take 20ml of fading powder arrangement in a stoppered cone shaped flagon and add it to 20ml of 10% KI arrangement. Plug the jar and shake it enthusiastically. Titrate this arrangement against 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution taken in the burette. At the point when the solution in the funnel shaped cup turns out to be light yellow in shading, include about 2ml starch arrangement. The arrangement currently winds up blue in shading. Keep titrating till the blue shading just vanishes. Rehash the titration to get an arrangement of three concordant readings.


Amount of the given samples of bleaching powder required to disinfect one liter of water:-  

Sample I =0.4634gm

Sample II =0.8293 gm

Since amount of bleaching powder required for disinfecting POND WATER is more than that required for TANK WATER, hence it can be deduced that former contains more impurities.

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