English, asked by ssoban868, 7 months ago

child abuse article writing​


Answered by cosmic456

Child abuse consists of any act or failure to act that endangers a child’s physical or emotional health and development. A person caring for a child is abusive if he or she fails to nurture the child, physically injures the child, or relates sexually to the child (Robins). Child abuse is broken down into four major categories: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Aside from the abuse itself, the cost of the tragic events costs the United States billions of dollars each year. Every day, approximately 4 children in the United States die resulting from child abuse and the majority are under 5-years-old (Fromm). There are many organizations that promote preventative measures in reducing child abuse.

Direct costs are associated with the immediate needs of abused or neglected children. Examples are, hospitalization, chronic health problems, child welfare system, law enforcement, and the judicial system. Indirect costs are those costs associated with the long-term and/or secondary effects of child abuse and neglect (Fromm). Examples are, special education, mental health and health care, juvenile delinquency, lost productivity to society, and adult criminality. Those children who are abused as a child tend to become more susceptible to a wide range of medical, emotional, psychological and behavioral disorders (Fromm). In 2012, an estimated 1,642 children died due to child abuse and neglect, which is 4.5 children every day (Fromm). Approximately 4 out of every 5 are under 5-years-old and children under 1 account for 2 out of 5 of all fatalities. Children under 5 are more likely to die from child abuse due to lack of ability to cope with abuse. Children’s bodies are more fragile and it is easier for an individual to physically harm a small child rather than older children who can somewhat fight back. A tragic result from child abuse can be a long-term condition that needs 24-hour care. Children who are victims of shaken baby syndrome need one on one care and lack basic knowledge to care for themselves. Those children who were emotionally abused tend to be at higher risk of mental disorders and

Answered by ritesh143sssss


Child abuse is defined as the physical or emotional injury, sexual abuse, negligent treatment, or maltreatment of a child under age 18 by a person responsible for the child's welfare.1 Healthcare providers are expected (under The Joint Commission's 2008 standards) to recognize signs of possible abuse when a child enters the facility, report any identified abuse internally and externally, and make appropriate referrals.

Defining abuse

Abusers can be the child's parent or other caregiver. For simplicity, in this article, I'll use the term parent. So, what is abuse?

Physical abuse is an impulsive reaction to environmental stressors in which the perpetrator causes physical injury to a child, including anything from bruises and fractures to brain damage.2

Emotional abuse is more difficult to pinpoint because the abuse involves a child's unmet emotional needs, such as for affection, nurturing, and positive attention. Instead of meeting these needs, the parent rejects, terrorizes, verbally assaults, and attempts to destroy a child's self-esteem. This type of abuse can be tied to the parent's poor knowledge of normal child growth and development-the parent expects the child to do or understand things beyond his or her years, even expecting the child to take on the parental role in the relationship.

Sexual abuse is less common than other types of abuse, with a higher incidence occurring in girls under age 18. Sexual abuse is identified as any form of sexual contact or attempted contact between a child and a caregiver (or another adult) for the purposes of the adult's sexual gratification or financial benefit, including any injuries related to the sexual activity.3 Usually, the perpetrator is male, but females also sexually abuse children, both with and without coercion by their partner. Anyone who knows that sexual abuse is occurring to a child is considered as guilty as the perpetrator in a court of law.

Neglect is considered the failure to provide for the child's minimum physical needs, or the lack of appropriate supervision based on the child's age and developmental stage.3 Minimal needs include food, shelter, clothing, and heat, and for those children with health problems, any medications, treatments, and follow-up appointments that they require for ongoing care. For families living in poverty, the definition of neglect includes choosing not to take advantage of community services such as food stamps and emergency shelter, and leaving children with inappropriate supervision.

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