English, asked by harishgarg3773, 11 months ago

child labour the roast form of the abuse


Answered by fazailcheema

Children are the flowers of nature but unfortunately this cruel world does not understand their worth and they are facing a serious problem known as child labour. Slavery, Child trafficking, serfdom, dept bondage, forced labour and sexual exploitation are the roast forms of child labour.

International labour organization estimates show that there are about 250 million children of age 5 to 14 are working as labourers around the world. in many countries child labour is banned and there are several laws against it but unfortunately in most of the areas, there is no implementation of those laws.

It is a common issue in underdeveloped countries where the unemployment rate is high and most of the families are falling below the poverty line. Responsible authorities should take steps to eliminate child labour around the world as it is a very shameful act.  

Answered by Anonymous
Child Labour is a condition , where small children go to work. Because of their economic problems.

It is being done in India on a large scale.

And it is banned too .

Ways to eradicate child labour :

By spreading awareness among people we can eradicate child labour.
Generally the child of poor families work as Child labour.
So , there must be more employment among the poor people.
Government should provide more jobs .
By reducing poverty we can eradicate the child labour.
By promoting education in the rural and Poor areas.
By supplying food in those rural and Poor families.
The National Population Policy 2000 strongly focused on this problem. It also takes many steps to eridicate the child labour.
It strongly focused on educating the children of age 6-14 .
It provides mid day meals also in government schools so that the children do not work for getting food.
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