English, asked by pragatijalkotkar1929, 1 month ago

Choose the correct alternative1. Christina Rossetti is one of the finest poets of age.A] AugustanCIVictorian DJ ModernB] Jacobean2. According to Russell, who had only one year of schooling?A] Commodore Vanderbilt B] John D RockefellerC]Bertrand Russell D] Jay Gould3. The theme of the poem- "Our Earth Will Not Die^ prime prime isA] HelplessnessB] HopefulnessCILove for nature DJ All of these4. Pope does not want anything to mark the place where he isA] BuriedC] Hiding D]Lost B] Sitting5. Where in the world has the idea of freedom grown tenuous?A] The EastB] The WestC]The Entire world D] Nowhere6. In the age of monarchy, who gets manipulated to achieve their own personalinterests?A]The People B|The MinistersC] The KingD] The Courtiers7. What should not be joked about in discourse?A]ReligionB]Great peopleC] Matters of stateD] All of these8. What sort of person asks A] EducatedC] Posertroublesome B]IntelligentDJ Tedious9. In India, what great epic of the soul of our people gives us a wonderful vision ofan overflowing life?A] The RamayanaB] The ArthashastraC] The Mahabharata D] None10. Who regards the value of education as unquestionable?A] Practical men C]Eminent menB] Educated menDIPlutocrats​


Answered by lavanya4144


sorry I didn't get your questions

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