Computer Science, asked by sarvagna229200735, 19 days ago

Choose the correct answers for the following statements.
1. In networking minimum number of computers linked together for the purpose of sharing
resources. [ ]
a) One b) At least two c) At least three d) More than three
2. Internet is an example of which type of network? [ ]
a) PAN b) LAN c) MAN d) WAN
3. In which network topology, a central computer or server or hub is connected to all the
nodes are directly? [ ]
a) Star b) Ring c) Bus d) Mesh
4. Which view displays the format of the database and allows to change the format of the
database. [ ]
a) Datasheet view b) Design view c) Form view d) None of these
5. A column arranged vertically in the table that stores information of the same type.
[ ]
a) Field b) Query c) Record d) Table


Answered by saiprasadagrawal30


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