English, asked by nikhilamullangi17, 6 months ago

Choose the most logical order of the given sentences to construct a cohere
A. What also baffles me is another question. By reporting on crime in such
B. Do you and I hear more about crimes today than we ever did because of
C. Have crimes increased in recent times?
D. Even movies, which are fictional, can inspire them. For no one quite figure


Answered by kmdagar


b, c, a, d


From the sentences a, b, c and d, sentence 'b' sounds introductory. It begins the topic, that the person's friend selected everything quickly. This is a general statement, which is then expanded by the other sentences that follow.

Hence, 'b' comes first.

Sentence 'c' follows 'b' as the word 'selection' in 'c' refers to the words 'selected everything he needed' in 'b'.

Sentence 'a' follows 'c' as this question is in response to the first two statements. The question is asked by a second person.

Sentence 'd' follows 'a' as this statement is an answer to the question asked in 'a'. The answer is given by the first person who started the topic.

Hence, the correct sequence is: b, c, a, d. This can be seen in option C, hence it is correct.

Options B and D: Sentence 'a' cannot come first, because it asks a question that isn't introductory or does not seem to start the topic by itself. The words 'so quickly' mean that the topic has already been started. Hence 'a' cannot come first in the sequence. So, options B and D are incorrect.

Option A: Similarly, sentence 'c' also cannot come first, because 'but' suggests that it is a continuation of some topic. Hence option A is incorrect.

Answered by DevendraLal

The correct order is BCAD

The first statement will be B- Do you and I hear more about crimes today than we ever did because of.

Then the next statement will come is of C - Have crimes increased in recent times?

The next statement will be of A What also baffles me is another question. By reporting on crimes in such.

The next statement is of D-   Even movies, which are fictional, can inspire them. For no one quite figure.

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