English, asked by rondichodi, 8 months ago

cicero was the proponent of which tyep of equality​


Answered by rani6837


if it helps u plese marke me as a brainliest plz plz plz plz......


The body of Cicero’s political philosophy is composed of three related elements— a belief in natural law, natural equality and the state as natural to man. “Cicero’s true importance in the history of political thought lies in the fact that he gave to the Stoic doctrine of natural law a statement in which it was universally known throughout Western Europe from his own day down to the nineteenth century.”

He has combined the Platonic principles of right and justice as eternal and Stoic principle supremacy and universality of law as it exists in nature. The universal law of nature binds all men together.

The natural law is unchangeable and it is to be found in all peoples and in all nations. This universality of natural law constitutes the foundation of world-city. Since law of nature is supreme, none can violate it.

In Cicero’s words—True law is right reason in agreement with nature. In his opinion nature is the highest manifestation of right reason. It is universal applica­tion, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands and averts from wrong doing by its prohibitions.

Its commands and prohibitions always influence good men, but are without effect upon the bad. It is not a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to attempt to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely.

We cannot be free from its obligations by senate or people. There will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times.

Cicero has brought the concept of abstract reason and natural law into immediate relation with the activity of human reason and legislation of the state. If human legislation is in conformity with reason it cannot be in inconformity with nature

It implies that, according to Cicero, human legislation violating law of nature must be declared invalid.

When everyone shows obligation to the law of nature, there is to be justice in the state. That is, violation of natural law is violation of justice. Commenting on Cicero’s idea of natural law, Gettell has said that his commentary on natural law has become a classic because of the clarity with which he was able to express himself.

Answered by Anonymous

Marcus Tullius Cicero was the proponent of equality on a moral level.

  • Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman lawyer, statesman, academic scholar, who had extensive knowledge about philosophy, politics, and rhetoric orientation.
  • He strongly believed that, All living creatures are the creation of God. All men has the right to experience equality and freedom.
  • He believed that, discrimination made by man himself is totally unjust and is not what God wants.
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