Circle the proper nouns and underline the common nOBns
1. Rajiv and Priyanka are brother and sister.
2. The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu.
3. Othello' was written by William Shakespeare
4. Teachers and students worked together for the exhibition
5. The poem Ode to Autumn' was written by John Keats
6 Happy Feet' is an entertaining movie.
7. Mother washes Ritu's clothes in the washing machine.
Answered by
Proper nouns :-
1. Rajiv, Priyanka
2. Nepal, Kathmandu
3. Othello' , William Shakespeare
4. No any
5. Ode to Autumn' , John Keats
6. Happy Feet
7. Ritu
Common nouns :-
1. brother, sister
2. capital
3. No any
4. Teachers, students
5. poem
6. movie
7. mother, clothes, washing machine.
Hope it helped
Please hit the brainliest :)
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