Clarify political and psychological aspects related to health, population, and environment.
Relationship of political aspect with health, population and environment:
Political aspect includes the policies formulated by different administrative sectors and government. The population policies, health policies and environment policies are approved in the parliament. These polices create awareness and compulsion for the dwellers of any area for conservation and controlling environment. Strong political commitment helps for the appropriate management and utilization of environment along with population of a nation. Proper policy also determines the condition of health status of the nation. The policies promote health status and produce healthy and creative human resource. In this way, political aspect is related to health, population and environment.
Relationship of psychological aspect with health, population and environment:
Psychological aspect deals with human thinking, attitude and behavior. Availability of services and facilities create positive attitude and shortage create negative attitude and behavior with the socio-cultural environment. The behavior of proper utilization of means and resources of environment helps to maintain the sanitation surrounding environment and conservation of animals and vegetation. Conservation of air, water, land, supports us to be healthy. The mortality rate has been decreased but fertility is still high in rural areas. Environment is not good. Health is also affected. Without changing the psychology of people, expected goal in health, population and environment cannot be achieved.